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Vivaldi and Rameau

1. Vivaldi is primarily remembered for:
A concertos
B trio sonatas
C operas
D organ works
2. Vivaldi's orchestra typically used a harpsichord or organ for the continuo part:
A True
B False
3. Vivaldi's concertos typically had four movements.
A True
B False
4. In a concerto grosso the small group is called the:
A concertino
B ripieno
C tutti
D concerto
5. Vivaldi's nickname was:
A The Prince of Venosa
B The Red Priest
C Papa Antonio
D The Murderer of Venice
6. Rameau was famous for being each of the following except:
A a theorist
B an opera composer
C a violinist
D an organist
7. Rameau was a child prodigy.
A True
B False
8. What famous treatise did Rameau write in 1722?
A Theorica musice
B Syntagma Musicum
C The True Art of Playing the Violin
D Treatise on Harmony
9. Rameau composed many operas. His style was unlike the reigning master of French opera whose name was:
10. What did Rameau identify as the primal element of music?
Bhalf step
Dwhole step
11. Lully's prime concern in opera was the development of the plot.
A True
B False
12. Rameau sometimes used themes from an opera in its overture.
A True
B False
13. At the end of the Baroque period a new style emerged which emphasized a simple, homophonic texture. It was known as.
A style galant
B Viennese Classical
C Sturm und Drang
D none of the above

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Q 13:
Correct Answers
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Q 13: