George Frideric Händel


1.When Händel went to London in 1710 he was known as a composer of what kind of music then very popular in England:
A Italian opera
B English oratorio
C German preludes and fugues
D English ballad opera
2. As a teenager Händel served a term as cantor in his native town of Halle. His duties would have included:
A teaching harpsichord to the children of the prince
B preparing special music for court banquets and festivitiesI
C writing commissioned operas
D playing the organ and supervising the choral music for special occasions
3. In the early part of his career Händel, unlike Bach, was primarily intriqued with:
A sacred choral music
B sacred keyboard music
C secular keyboard music
D opera
4.Händel's operas were characterized by all of the following except:
A they featured virtuoso singers who were frequently imported from Italy
B they were sung in Italian
C they frequently dealt with stories from history and mythology
D they were directed toward the growing middle class in England.
5. All of the following statements about Händel's oratorios are true except:
A A primary difference between opera and oratorio is that, unlike opera, oratorio does not require costumes and staging. The music can be very similar.
B They are sung in Italian.
C They grew in popularity in part because public taste had turned away from Italian opera.
D Händel's most famous oratorio is Messiah. However, he wrote 26 others, some on Biblical subjects and some on episodes from history.
6.Händel was an accomplished organist and harpsichordist.
A True
B False
7. The Water Music and The Fireworks Music are examples of a popular Baroque instrumental form known as the:
A theme and variations
B trio sonata
C concerto grosso
D dance suite
8. Händel wrote concertos for solo instruments and orchestra. The underlying principle of the concerto is: :
A The solo instrument(s) plays in concert with the whole group of instruments creatng a kind of musical conversation between the small group and the large.
B Each movement is a variation of a tune presented at the very beginning of the piece.
C The large group plays a minuet, the soloists play the trio, and then the large group repeats the minuet.
D none of the above.
9. The functions of the aria in Händelian opera encompassed all of the following except:
Ait gave the character and opportunity to reflect on the action of the plot
Bit gave the singer a chance to demonstrate virtuosic ability
Cit provided a setting in which unexpected plot developments could be announced
Dit provided the "big moments" that customers came to hear
10. All of the following statements about Händel's style are true except:
AHe was primarily interested in counterpoint
BHe sometimes borrowed tunes from his earlier works to include in later compositions.
CHe was without peer in the area of choral writing.
DHis style was responsive to the changing cultural and political world around him.

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Correct Answers
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