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Medieval Music Test
Test created by Christopher Brunt, Millsaps College

1. This is the earliest complete Christian hymn. It is traditionally sung during the monastic Office of Matins:
A Dies irae
B Victimae paschali laudes
C Lauda Sion
D Te Deum
2. This liturgical drama by Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) is probably the earliest example of the form. Its title is:
A The Play of Herod
B Ordo Virtutum
C The Play of Daniel
D The Raising of Lazarus
3. A style of chant text setting with many notes per syllable of text:
A melismatic
B psalmodic
C neumatic
D syllabic
4. Which of the following Latin texts would be sung during the monastic Office of Compline?
A Te Deum
B Salve Regina
C Dies irae
D Pange lingua
5. A non-liturgical piece of prose/poetry interpolated into the medieval mass as a form of running commentary is called a:
A conductus
B codex
C canticle
D trope
6.The musical highpoint of the medieval mass is the:
A Gloria
B Pater noster
C Alleluia
D Credo
7. Which one of the following is not one of the French 'formes fixes'?
A chanson de geste
B virelai
C rondeau
D ballade
8. Which of the following secular composers was a troubadour?
A Guillaume de Machaut
B Adam de la Hale
C Colin Muset
D Guirat de Bornelh
9. A mode not generally recognized in medieval theory is:
10. The primary bowed stringed instrument in use during the Middle Ages:
Dbowed lyre
11.This medieval wind instrument was the forerunner of the oboe:
A crumhorn
B curtal
C shawn
D rackett
12. Which medieval compilation mass listed below is the most complete setting from the time?
A Sorbonne Mass
B Barcelona Mass
C Toulouse Mass
D Tournai Mass
13. Medieval conducti are always polyphonic and can be found with sacred, or sometimes secular texts.
A True
B False
14. Twelfth century florid organum, sometimes called organum purum, was to be found at which of the following musical centers?
A Santiago di Compostela
B St. Martial di Limoges
C Milan Cathedral
D all of the above
15. Our knowledge of the work of the Notre-Dame School (Leonin/Perotin) is primarily through the work of which scholar:
A Anonymous IV
B Nokter Balbulus
C Guido d'Arezzo
D St. Thomas Aquinas
16. This type of composition is said to have evolved from the clausulae sections of medieval organum:
A sequence
B carol
C motet
D planctus
17. This Latin hymn is traditionally sung during the Roman Catholic burial service:
A Requiem aeternam
B In paradisum
C Lux aeterna
D Dies irae
18. The best-known collection of goliardic poetry is to be found in this medieval manuscript:
A Codex Montpellier
B Liber usualis
C Huelgas Codex
D Codex Buranus
19. This 20th century composer's Requiem Mass setting is based fully on medieval plainchant:
APaul Hindemith
BMaurice Durufle
CBenjamin Britten
DAndrew Lloyd Webber
20. Medieval composer whose motets are early examples of isorhythmic compositional procedure:
AJehan des Murs
BPetrus ce Cruce
CPhilippe de Vitry
DFranco of Cologne

Your Answers
Q 1:
Q 2:
Q 3:
Q 4:
Q 5:
Q 6:
Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9:
Q 11:
Q 12:
Q 13:
Q 14:
Q 15:
Q 16:
Q 17:
Q 18:
Q 19:
Q 20:
Correct Answers
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Q 3:
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Q 5:
Q 6:
Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9:
Q 11:
Q 12:
Q 13:
Q 14:
Q 15:
Q 16:
Q 17:
Q 18:
Q 19:
Q 20: