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Renaissance in the Low Countries

1. In the 15th and 16th centuries there was a movement that revived ancient learning, particularly grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, and moral philosophy. Thinking people were called upon to judge their lives, artworks, customs, and social political structures by the standards of antiquity. This movement was called:
A the Enlightenment
B humanism
C the Reformation
D the Counter-Reformation
2. The term Renaissance means:
A rebellion
B revolution
C restoration
D rebirth
3. Printing from movable type was introduced in Europe in which century?
A 13th
B 14th
C 16th
D 11th
4. The first collection of polyphonic music printed entirely from movable type was brought out in Venice by:
A Leonardo da Vinci
B Galileo
C Petrucci
D Pierre Attaingnant
5. Emotional expression in music was an important factor in the innovations that occurred during the Renaissance.
A True
B False
6.Renaissance theorists rediscovered and used the old Greek modes.
A True
B False
7. At first music printing was done with a triple impression process, but later a single impression method was perfected in Paris by:
A Janequin
B Attaingnant
C Josquin des Prez
D Sermisy
8. In a cancrizans canon the second voice:
A is heard in reverse
B comes in at the octave
C comes in at the 5th
D comes in at note values that a cut in half
9. All of the following statement characterize the compositions of Ockeghem except:
AHe uses long sections of imitative counterpoint in his Masses.
BHe sometimes uses a cantus firmus taken from a French chanson
CHe sets pairs of voices against each other.
DHis bass line goes a fourth or fifth lower than had been done in the past
10. Which tuning system is in use today?
Bjust intonation
Cequal temperament
11.During the period from 1450 to 1550 most of the important musical posts in Italy were held by foreigners.
A True
B False
12. Josquin makes use of the technique of setting phrases in sections of imitative counterpoint that overlap.
A True
B False
13. Josquin's mass setting contain long florid passages that make it difficult to understand the text.
A True
B False
14. A mass setting that takes over not just one voice but many attributes of a pre-existing chanson is called:
A plainsong mass
B imitation mass
C cantus firmus mass
D motto mass
15. Josquin des Pres was the greatest and most influential of the late 15th and early 16th century composers.
A True
B False
16. Musica reservata refers to suiting the music to the meaning of the words, expressing the power of each different affection, placing the object as if actually before our eyes".
A True
B False

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Q 12:
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Q 16:
Correct Answers
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Q 11:
Q 12:
Q 13:
Q 14:
Q 15:
Q 16: